
Ryan Jarcy, Your Mighty King!

Writer, IT developer, international espionage playboy, multi-instrumentalist (but not multi-talented, unfortunately). Enjoys the static hiss and haunting noise of broken jazz records and prefers to drink milk. Shamelessly refers to himself in third person. Once (and only once) called a “jack of all trades,” Ryan is knowledgeable about an astounding amount of pointless subjects, and his pedantic way of explaining things borders on arrogant. This is his personal sanctum for all the unoriginal, obscene and unfunny things that define his life. May well be your future lover, boss or arch-nemesis. ALSO MISSING HIS LEFT LEG FROM  BELOW THE KNEE! SNARKY WITTICISMS, LAUGHTER-MAKING AND MIRTH ON HERE SOON IN VIVID, COLORFUL, HORRIFYINGLY GORY DETAIL!

  • Likes: Good things
  • Dislikes: Bad things




Skype: ryan.jars (432-897-2846)

Words with Friends: ryanosaur

  1. wow


  2. Just read your shotgun story on Cracked. Pretty damn hilarious albeit unfortunate. Keep rockin’ !


  3. Hello. Read your story on cracked too


  4. No1inparticulat

    I find it funny that you posted what seems like every possible way to get in touch with you. What if creepy amputee pervs get a hold of you?


  5. Ryan is very sexy too.


  6. Bianca Schultz

    Just read your story! Best article I’ve ever read 😉


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